All you need is LOVE.
Im not exaggerating. Ohmygoood. It is super! as in WOW. All you could ever asked for in a film is teemed in this movie. I was in awe. Hands down to Julie Taymor. Mygod. You're amazing. My jaw dropped for several times. haha! :) That's how good it is. It is just SUPER! I never really liked Musicals.. (well, I only watched 4 musicals in my entire life.. and one of which is Moulin Rouge which by the way is the only musical film I really loove) haha. now, Across the Universe is on its powerful level.. ranked first ! :)
Across the Universe is a fictional love story of Jude & Lucy.. Vietnam war. Turbulent years. Struggle of Civil Rights. People who wants peace and fighting for what they believe is morally good. The characters are named after the songs of the Beatles. And every scene is mind-blowing. whoaaaaa! The movie is ambitious and it is a success. ILOOOOVE IT. It took my breath away! Grabe. Now I understand why they are so popular and why the 60's is called the 'golden era'. Rock and Roll! I fell inlove with some of their songs. haha thanks to the Bloomfields.
I wish.. Filipinos can do a movie like this.
Official: It's summer again! :) mygod. Im not excited. KIDDING!
im super duper excited for our ultimate bonfire experience by the beach. haha! I cannot wait any longer. Calatagan on the first week of April.
I wanna retire and die in Amanpulo. RRRight now. :)
what else? hmm..
Yesterday, I walked from Glorietta to Manila Pen (around 3-ish). Look who's the hardworking, frugal woman. Mygosh. Ang iniiiirrrt. Can you imagine?
Then.. I got myself a skim board. not a totally mini board but its really over sized and the price is super yummy. Its like a medium sized surf board. Fear me.. Im too powerful, yeahbah! :)
Im ready to hit youuu, Sun!
My cousin is leaving (again).. actually, This isn't the first time. Her family lived in Australia for like a year or so then came back. Then left for USA then came back. And now, she's leaving us again. VERY SOON! All I know is that her things are already packed (again) and she's ready. ..physically and emotionally.. haha! and guess what? she'll be staying there for good. :( Haaay. :( saddening.
A remarkable scene 12years ago.. (at the airport before their flight going to the land down under)
Lovejoy waving goodbye
Trixie (my little cousin):: "sino ng tatawag ng tricycle pag wala si ate lovejoy?" ..she was crying the whole time. haha!
Kaye:: N.R.
I thought that was corny.
But its not. :)
But I was like 9y/o then. so i didn't care much about the events/things happening around me.. As in. I wouldn't mind if a member of the family took off to mars or reached the moon. wherever they go, im not bothered. But those were the days when I thought they don't matter. When I thought they're easy to lose and they will comeback anyway (..which they eventually did.)
And today Im a 21 yr. old obsessive-compulsive-alcoholic (who swears never to drink alcohol again yet im still drinking) ..We're like sisters. closest pals. sometimes a foe. Our relationship as cousins is just amazing. it is super! ask my friends.. :)
and on Wednesday (March 19, 2008), a part of me will hover on the other side of the planet.
I will surely uberly miss her bigtime. The way she plays with my hair. The way she says "kakoy, kakoy peram laptop mo..". Her war-freakish aura. Her destructive hands. The way i lend her my things and wondering where she put what she just borrowed a few hours before. Her addiction to korean movies and coke light. The way I shout at her to clean up her messy things. The way I borrow her cellphone just to play magic sushi. The way I ask her to go to Quiapo and buy pirated movies or series and then watch together when she got home. The way she laughs with her braces. The way she teases us. The way she took care of us. The way she wakes me up. I will miss everything about her (from the biggest to the infinitesimal detail). The way I hate her and The way I love her.
Its okay to be sad :((
I will miss you cousin! Loveyouu labjoy! Seeyou real SOOOON!
excerpt from lilo and stitch::
Ohana means family.. and Family means no one's left alone or being forgotten.
I wanna make a difference.
We are really fortunate. Look around you. Let's be thankful because we have much more than what we need to be content. It infuriates me how "we" sometimes complain about the things that we don't or can't have (like that dslr, laptops, cellphones, cars, condo unit, dream vacay, plane tickets, topshop/zara tops, manolo blahnik's, chanel, prada, LV, bags. make-ups.. just everything.) Haaay. It breaks my heart (always!) watching them on noontime shows, selling cigars or sampaguitas, begging along the streets, walking dirty with their torn clothes, crying for help.. They are children. They dream. They seem so full of hope. Its really depressing :( if I only have tons of money.. I wanna put up an orphanage or charity home/school for the kids where they can eat, play, learn, love and just be kids. I wanna help, REALLY!
When they say, 'each person can make a difference,' I believe that is true.

Im a Clicker, My love.
Photography is my love. love. love.
dslr mode. :) (gimme gimme canon eos 400d pleaseeee)
*random shots by yours truly.