Why do you think people try to discover their life’s purpose without turning to God, their creator?
Let’s think about some answers on this one:
- If I turned to God I might lose control of my life.
- God might take away all my fun.
- If there is a God, He’s definitely bigger than me and probably has some demands on my life.
- We always want to do things ourselves. Theme song: “I Did It My Way.”
- We want to be in control of our own destiny.
- We are afraid of God, we don’t know God, or we find God too mysterious.
- We think God’s idea of purpose is probably pretty religious and definitely boring.
- We like religion about as much as we like politics; we don’t want to get into a discussion about either one.
- We don’t believe in creation. We’ll have to find a purpose apart from a designed existence because that’s what we learned to believe.
But what if God were a kind, loving creator who made us like Himself because He wanted a relationship with us, and gave us the ability to choose Him or not because He didn’t want robots? What if He actually has our best interests in mind? Wouldn’t you want to check it out?

Mooooving Pichoors like Yoochoob!
Wow. Im COOL na, at last. :)
*pictures of my barkada. Through the years, Loveyou guys til the end.
note:: its a long slideshow. almost 7mins. Press play and wait. :)) hehe
Can't wait for March9!! Dig Me Up From Under What Is Covering Brandon Boyd!

Good News from Above.
Im back for good. Yes, will be updating my one and only blog. Haha. The funny part was I almost forgot my password. Cringed away from the blow.. ohmyy. I have alot of kwentos to tell. Im such a gossip girl. heehee. I cannot forgive myself for not blogging on a Christmas and New Year's. im such a discarded matter. So.. Let me do this., okay?
2007 - I turned 21. I graduated. Bid goodbye to some friends. Said hello to new ones. Waited for someone. Didn't came. Toxic Review days. Nosebleed. Alcohol Intoxication. Gastritis sucked. Complicated days are over. Frustrations. Heartburn. Gained weight. Cried a bucket or a gallon maybe of tears. Started and Ended a lot of series. Laughed so hard. Days of Sorrow and Tribulation. Fell inlove with God. Living with my Faith.
2008 - Thank God for this year wonderful year.. Like its too early to say since its only February, but I have an instinct that I'll be having a superb year ahead of me. 2008.. Live and Love me!! besides, I have my family, friends and God inside my heart who's always been there since the beginning. :)
Thank You God! :)
Thank You for letting me fall.
Thank You for all the trials ive crossed.
Thank You for teaching me life lessons.
Thank You for pulling me up when i was down.
Thank You for keeping me safe with you.
Thank You for lighting my path.
Thank You for answering all my absurd my questions.
Thank You for believing in me.
Thank You for trusting my love.
Thank You for all the blessings.
Thank You for listening.
I will be forever thankful for this wonderful gift of Life. :)