BOY: I saw her today
GIRL: I saw him today
BOY: It seems like its been forever
GIRL: I wonder if he still cares
BOY: She looks better than before
GIRL: I couldn't stop staring at him
BOY: I asked her how things were going
GIRL: I asked about his new girlfriend
BOY: I'd choose her over any girl im with
GIRL: He's probablly really happy right
BOY: I couldnt look at her without
starting to cry
GIRL: He couldnt even look at me
BOY: I told her I miss her
GIRL: He doesnt mean it
BOY: I meant it
GIRL: He didnt mean it
BOY: I love her
GIRL: He loves his new girlfriend
BOY: I held her for the last time
GIRL: He gave me a friendly hug
BOY: Then I went home and cried
GIRL: Then I went home and cried
BOY: I lost her
GIRL: I still love him
"For if we never learn to wait, we will never learn to love someone other than ourselves. For most of all waiting means waiting for someone else. It is a mystery, brushing by our face everyday like a stray wind of leaf falling from a tree. Anyone who has loved knows how much waiting goes into it - how much waiting is important for love to grow, to flourish through a lifetime. Why is this? Why can we not have it right now what we so desperately want and need? Why must we wait - two years, three years - and seemingly waste so much time?"
so many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half asleep, even when they`re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they`re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.
grabe.. i can`t sleep! its already 2:35 am.. now, ill try to close my eyes and make a wish. bleh. im out.
Love n./ A strong, complex emotion or feeling causing one to appreciate, delight in, and crave the presence or possession of another and to please or promote the welfare of the other. Correct me if im wrong.. but that`s the meaning of love itself according to my pericardium. Love is like the wind, you can`t see it but you can feel it. familiar?! Oh yes, landon carter`s famous line in the movie A walk to remember. I hate being mushy and it`s my veeery first time to compose something about this so-called intense feeling. Not because of my mediocrity but because people often write about it.. its they`re commonness, their weakness and their cure. Yes, writing about their inner emotions or holistically speaking, their inner being. But right now, I will try to be a part of them. When you believe you`re inlove, you`re not just the person you think you are. Agree?! Yess.. Im currently entering the Sphere of ambiguity. Here I go again, letting the whole wide universe know what Im feeling right now. Feeling of being valued and loved by someone. Not just someone. Coz this someone is special. More special than you think you are. So, you think you`re special?! no, .not really.. he`s someone you don`t know but I knew him and I loved him by heart. someone I cared for the most. A part of me was drained because of loving. haha! He makes me sane. He makes me cry, ilove him. I don`t know why. I don`t have a reason why I love him.. well, just last night, im trying hard to figure out why I sooo love this guy (insert my kuya`s name here) then.. I came up with nothing. not a single answer. All I knew was I love him. I love him and I love him. that`s all. Then I gazed up on the ceiling then generate my mind.. at last, there was an answer threw by someone up there.. `I don`t need any hysterical reasons why I love this person.` Tsss..see?! there are of course pessimistic reactions to this optimism, I believe. Man is always seeking to understand himself. Understand in the sense of what he wanted, what God wanted and what he loves for being wanted. Wanted to love that is. I suppose I should`ve wasted my time in writing this than writing or critiquing other people`s way of interpreting ideas. Anyhoo.. going back to the issue of love or loving.. life`s too short.. so if I were you.. love. Just love. What I say about truth would require many precautions and implies a long itinerary. All we need is love. Pweh. Labo! But its super true. Nevertheless, I never confuse truth with fact, truth is not a fact. The difficulty is not in dying for your love but finding a love worth dying for. Truth is the quality of statement, an intuition related to something which you might call a fact but truth is not a reality. It`s the best feeling in the whole world. Let me try and formulate this more thoroughly. Knowing that you are indeed valued by someone you hold on to. Shox! it could turn your world upside down or as if you`re doing that stupid marquee behavior trying to analyze how it worked or how the spark began. my feelings can't stop on its own unless it evaporates.. you can`t blame me. you`re there to set up the fire in my soul. I`m grateful that you don`t want to cut me in two. Existing in this abyss world, im thankful that someone like you came and rescued me. such a lifesaver. No words can express how much Iloveyou.
Once again,
Thank you and I love you for being corny,
for being my kuya and my bestfriend rolled into one,
for being there for me 24/7,
for listening to my ka-cornihan,
for teaching me how to play billiards,
for singing songs for me,
for putting a smile on my face,
for letting me know that I am somehow special though I believe I`m not,
for every little things (not to mention the big ones..)
for being my guiding light in the dark,
for being my twisted sunshine,
for giving me strength,
for being my inspiration,
and for loving me...
you complete me.
I live because I love.
I love you sooo much, andre laureles sandiego.
met up with my kuya at the mrt station. the whole thing was not even planned. yeah, super wala lang. labo! then we go ga-ga over some magic-ness stuff. yuff, corny people like us should be stabbed to die and go on our way to heaven coz were angels. haha! then super aliw coz lotsa stressful and unwanted pathetic people can`t take their eyes away from us maybe because they thought we`re pshycos or worse, weirdo. no, we`re not. does everybody assumes that you like to play just because you`re releasing your energy not to mention your aura. its not a play either. its just uhmm.. i don`t know. whatever you would want to call that. i`ll leave that blank. we`re kids. haha! 19 slash 9-year old. i don't know what`s up their little ass and they kept on looking at us. so, what?! why can`t people mind their own thingy?! they should begin to understand that people have different opionions about morality. how pathetic! its our business, not yours dude.. rules clear?! shootoooop! the guard in the station almost threw up that he wanted to curse us coz i think, we stayed there for more than 2 hours. for the guard, yes sir may i take your order?! owww! ..just mind the yellow lane dude. yeah, tambay. haha! just plain kwentuhan, tamang asaran, astig na ka-cornihan na jokes (we need more perimeter shots kuya!) and tawanan. simple things in life could definitely brighten your gloomy day. its more precious than any diamond or pearl. no doubt, i`m happy just being with him. here i go again, loveyou kuya! i hope you`re reading this.

i love bein with my kuya!

i need you more each day

my mediocrity, my misery and my cure
My days of anonymity are long passed. Dreadful days at the hospital and fuckin lectures and reports. Argh! I`m starting to love pharma or worse hate it. haha! Labo! I dunno what`s happening to me. coz I`ve seen 2 minor operations inside the surgery room (no, not operating room) is way different. Then parang tumaas yung blood sa head ko after the first minor operation or the incision of the stoma-like boil! I can`t resist it. can`t even look at the procedures done by the doctor. Parang I was stabbed twice or even thrice. Maybe because the patient wasn`t injected with anesthesia. So, sumuper cry siya inside with fingers crackling down. I felt her pain. The doctor told us that twas super sakit daw talaga kaya and he didn`t want to put an anesthesia coz the patient might depend on it. some kinda drug abuse daw. so, I went out and just found out that super lamig sweats has been running down my forehead. I feel so cold inside. Feel numb and helpless. Then I put 2 candies down my mouth to atleast subjugate myself. then palamig muna sa labas coz I might vomit inside. Argh! A side of me wants to drift while a part of me wants to stand straight. Then super laugh sila patrick, casey and pao because they saw me with a super anemic face and as in my lips has turned white daw (as if im fainting!). Harhar! loser me! This Cannot be! Argh!
`its all in the mind pare` ..kaya yan! Major operations yet to come. tadaaa!
last saturday, twas my grandparent`s golden anniverssary. haha! we just had a dinner then i saw a lot of freakin friends in that place.. (whereelse?!) ahah! then saw franco and armo of sponge.. (the guy with the devilish face. oh well, looks can be very deceiving.. right?!) then.. eat. eat. conversation. laugh. cake. coffee
sunday - went to gcf. (christian church, mahn!) then pray.. went to araneta coliseum and had some hanky panky there then watched the ateneo - la salle game. and guess what?! got tremors coz they lost the game. jai reyes was therre (yikee!) and guess who?! si .... waaaaaah! basta! saya! here are some pictures..

the basket and the ball

at the big dome
that`s it. im out.
ohmy! im soo sick.. mild fever + flu + sore throat! wahaha! plus manang and ghia (manang`s grandchild) had their 2-day fever. then kuya`s dad had URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) caused by hehe.. the exposure to many potential pathogens via the smoke, soot, and dust that is inhaled from the air. It has been calculated that the average individual ingests about 8 microorganisms per minute or 10,000 per day. This site becomes infected frequently because it comes into direct contact with the physical environment and is exposed to microorganisms in the air.
and his mom naman, bronchitis. argh!
as promised, i`ll pray for their quick recovery.
just because im bored.. nyorks!
6 Levels Of Hangovers
One Star Hangover
No pain. No real feeling of illness. Your sleep last night was a mere disco nap, which has given you a whole lot of misplaced energy. Be glad that you are able to function relatively well. However, you are still parched. You can drink 10 sodas and still feel this way. You are craving a steak bomb and a side of gravy fries.
Two Star Hangover
No pain, but something is definitely amiss. You may look okay but you have the mental capacity of a staple gun. The coffee you are chugging is only exacerbating your rumbling gut, which is craving a rootie tootie fresh and fruity pancake breakfast from IHOP. There is some definite havoc being wreaked upon your bowels.
Three Star Hangover
Slight headache. Stomach feels crappy. You are definitely not productive. Anytime a girl walks by you gag because her perfume reminds you of the random gin shots you did with your alcoholic friends after the bouncer 86`d you at 1:45 a.m. Life would be better right now if you were in your bed with a dozen donuts and a meatball hero watching the E! fashion awards. You`ve had 4 cups of coffee, a gallon of water, 3 Snapples and a liter of diet coke, yet you haven`t peed once.
Four Star Hangover
Life sucks. Your head is throbbing. You can`t speak too quickly or else you might puke. Your boss has already lambasted you for being late and has given you a lecture for reeking of booze. You wore nice clothes, but that can't hide the fact that you missed an oh-so crucial spot shaving, (girls, it looks like you put your make-up on while riding the bumper cars.) Your eyes look like one big vein and your hair style makes you look like a reject from the class picture of Grover Cleveland HS, class of `84.
Five Star Hangover
AKA `Dante`s 4th Circle of Hell.`
You have a second heartbeat in your head, which is actually annoying the employee who sits in the next cube. Vodka vapor is seeping out of every pore and making you dizzy. You still have toothpaste crust in the corners of your mouth from brushing your teeth in an attempt to get the remnants of the shit fairy out. Your body has lost the ability to generate saliva, so your tongue is suffocating you. Death seems pretty good right now. You definitely don`t remember who you were with, where you were, what you drank and why there is a stranger still sleeping in your bed at your otherwise empty house.
Six Star Hangover
Otherwise known as the `Infinite Nut smacker` You wake up on your bathroom floor. For about 2 seconds you look at the ceiling, wondering if the cool refreshing feeling on your cheek is the bathroom tile or your vomit from 5 hours ago. It is amazing how your roommate was as drunk as you, but somehow managed to get up before you. You try to lift your head. Not an option. Then you inadvertently turn your head too quickly and smell the funk of 13 packs of cigarettes in your hair. Suddenly you realize you were smoking, but not ultra lights... some jackass handed you Marlboro reds, and you smoked them like it was your second full time job. You look in the mirror only to see remnants of the stamp `Ready to Rock` faintly atop your forehead... the stamp on the back of your hand that has magically appeared on your forehead by alcoholic osmosis. You have to be to work in t-minus 14 minutes and 32 seconds and the only thing you can think of wearing is your `hello kitty` pajamas and your slippers.
i have more thoughts now.. (yehes!)
nyorks! i hate this feeling.. yes, being stressed for the past few weeks, people have been asking me one question:
"Hell week na ba?"
and there's only one answer.
shit.. that`s the reason why i don`t have time to update this blog.
So many sleepless nights
You keep me wondrin why
I wanna end this life
Youve changed me into me
Why cant you let me be?
Why wont you set us free?
Were both caught in this change
Im screaming out your name
I dont want you to stay
But though youre here,
I wonderWhy do we seem less farther
To where we were before
So take me back to where we used to
So run away with me tonight
So take me home to where I found you
And then well find a way tonight
Today will never dieThe truths a half-told lie
I dont want you to die
But now youre near it seems
Im closer to my dreams
And now youre here to stay
So take me back to where we used to
So run away with me tonight
So take me home to where I found you
And then well find a way tonight
So take me back to where your heart is
So come away to paradise
So take me home to where Im needed
And then well find a way tonight.
..awwww! a gift (song) from kuya! haha! thanks kuya dear.. amishu and labshu! mwah!
super tiring day..
10am-went to the doctor for medical check up! harhar! guess what?! ..just find out that i have a urinary tract infection. wahe! the normal range of it was 0-1 and the result of my urinalysis was 20-30 (can you imagine that?!) waaaah!
11 something in the morning- went to antipolo to visit my lola dearest then ate lunch then watch then play with louie, my cousin..
3-7pm ..i slept
7pm woke up then took a bath
then received a message from karina and jayvee.. fuck! my lolo wasn't there to fetch me coz were having a barkada dinner at greenbelt.
haha! then i went to 9ball, morato coz were supposed to meet there but jayvee was not in a good mood coz 9pm na.. haha! (i swear, im always late!) nyak! 2hours! mindfuck that! then jayvee was super gutom na so un, we ate there.. 10:45 the start of the movie. then kain kain.. tas pandesal and yen arrived. then we left 9ball na. proceed to greenbelt. haha! less than 30 mins were already there kasi super fast magdrive ni jayvee..
brought tickets + washroom + popcorn + movie (batman begins) haha! ampooo.. ewan! im not satisfied! haha!
then nagpaiwan kaming tatlo.. yen, pandesal and i then we went to sb then purchased frap.. then loiter there in greenbelt tas entered ice then dapat temple but the bouncer was soo sooo rude. soo walk-out kaming tatlo. haha!
twas past 3 na when we left there. aliw. tas almost 4 na when we arrived at yen`s place in tandang sora. but the night didn`t end there. of course, what more can you say if pagsamahin kami nila yen and pandesal.. yaaaak! picture galore then kwento to the maxXxxx.
twas past 6 na when we gave up sa super storytelling namin coz we missed each other soooo much. as in i can`t remember na when was the last time we had that kwentuhan till dawn.. haaaay..